
Why It Is Important To Choose The Right Attorney

Democracy depends on a legal system that functions properly. If everybody starts doing whatever they want and whatever they feel like doing irrespective of the will of another,personalized bobblehead, we would all descend into anarchy. Unfortunately,customized bobbleheads,California Golf Courses, however,,, the justice system can be overaggressive and charge people who are actually innocent. Criminal lawyers in Harris County, Texas,English To French Translation Quality Cannot Be Compromised,custom bobblehead, know firsthand how innocent people can be charged,custom bobbleheads, sometimes even convicted,custom bobbleheads, despite weak or non-existent evidence showing their guilt.

Actual innocence is a claim that can be made after the defendant has already been found guilty,customize bobblehead,Unemployed Loan Bad Credit � To Keep Up The Essence Of Life, and perhaps even incarcerated. In the criminal law,custom bobblehead,Cleaning Vintage Wedding Dresses, a claim of actual innocence is not equivalent to a not guilty verdict: it is an appeal, using new evidence that was not available at the time of the original trial,personalized bobbleheads, meant to undermine the court's confidence in the jury's original verdict. Many Harris County criminal defense lawyers handle actual innocence claims,customize bobblehead, often in the context of sex offenses or homicides. In general, this new evidence must have become available after the trial was completed.

There are generally two situations in which actual innocence may be claimed. The first is when the defendant did not commit the crime for which he was convicted,., nor was present,personalized bobblehead, nor participated in any way in that crime. If it can be shown that the defendant was mistakenly identified by witnesses as the perpetrator of the crime and convicted on that account, then a claim of actual innocence can hold. The second situation is when the defendant was falsely accused of a crime he did not commit. If the defendant did not engage in any criminal activity and evidence is presented proving that the original accusation was false,custom bobblehead, the claim of actual innocence can hold.

There are two basic methods of establishing actual innocence,personalized bobble heads, namely bare claim and constitutional error. The best Houston criminal attorneys know how to raise these claims. A bare claim of actual innocence involves the presentation of hard evidence that casts reasonable doubt on the defendant's conviction, such as new DNA testing on physical evidence. This evidence cannot have been available to the court during the time of the trial. A claim of actual innocence can be made according to constitutional error if gross mistakes were made during the trial that prevented the presentation of evidence that could have proved the defendant's innocence. Examples of this might be suppression of evidence by the court,customized bobbleheads, or the defense attorney's failure to discover a legitimate alibi that existed and present it at trial.

