
Why Canada Provides Film Production Tax Credits & SRED Tax Credits � Financing Film & SR ED Tax Cred

We don't care. How's that for a short and concise answer as to why we think the government of Canada provides hundreds of millions of dollars in Canadian film and production tax credits,Neiman Marcus Sale,., as well as the ' SRED ' (aka SR&ED) tax credit.What we do care about is how clients can use those two great Canadian tax credits to maximize the value of their film,personalized bobbleheads, TV,How To Get Letterhead And Postcards,custom bobblehead,Why You Should Consider Business Card Online, and animation projects,custom bobblehead, or if we're referring to SRED itself,customize bobblehead, then their ability to recoup a huge amount of their research and development expenses. Not to be so glib,customized bobbleheads, but we don't think ours is to second guess or question why the government of Canada provide all this funding for these two unique non repayable tax credit grants .In the case of the film TV and animation industry the government seems to be returning almost 25% of all the revenues that the industry spends in Canada - that's of course a huge amount. And the SR ED ( Scientific Research and Experimental Development ) program returns billions ( yes that's billions with a capital B !) to privately owned Canadian firms who recoup up to 40% or more of their total r&d expenses in the form of non repayable cheques issued annually to firms such as yours, ( as well as your competitors ) .Let's focus on the film production tax credits first a bit. There's no business more intriguing complete with starts,personalized bobble heads, egos, and great stories such as the entertainment business - we're talking 3 critical aspects of that - film,custom bobbleheads, televison,,, and animation - the latter becoming very popular . No business financing challenge is more daunting than putting together the finances for these productions. That's why the knowledge that Canadian productions or co - productions (isn't Canada Hollywood North?) take advantage of the film tax credits that can fund up to 40% or more of your budget. Your ability to then monetize that credit, during, or after production) can make up for a huge amount of your working capital and cash flow needs, for this project (or your next one!).Let's also pay due respect to the SRED (SR&ED) credit in Canada. This program is probably the largest tax credits provider in the country. Canadian firms get refunds,customized bobbleheads, via a non repayable cheque for the advancement of their R&D processes and innovations.We continually remind clients in both the Film area as well as SRED that their claims can be financed and monetized for instant cash flow and working capital. If you are not one to wait (who can in business) film production tax credits and sred credits can be financed in a variety of manners.Whether you're in the film tv and animation industry, or your firm is a manufacturing , service or technology company in Canada take advantage of those tax credits . And if you're reading this in Hollywood,personalized bobbleheads,Branched Out Of Dell's First Mobile Phone Sales In China By The End Of November!, remember that we have just shown you a way to finance 30-50% of your project. You're welcome by the way,personalized bobblehead!Want more info? Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor in the area of film tax credits and sr&Ed credits. Like us, don't question the why of the program, focus on ' why not for us?!'

