
My Precious……

Ok – so I know this happens to all newly engaged brides, but I cannot stop staring at my ring. It’,Guide For Renting Construction Equipment;s the perfect ring for me and my fiance just outdid himself by getting me exactly what I wanted.

I remember the first time I tried on this ring at Tiffany’s (no the ring isn’t from Tiffany’s – you crazy??) The sales lady was throwing every shape, size, cut at me and I didn’t like any of them. Then she told me to try this one. And I told her that I didnt want my ring to have pear shaped diamonds – I’m not partial to them. She insisted. I put it on my finger and literally gasped because it was so beautiful.

So since I’ve been showing it off at work,Honey Favor, and school, and everywhere else – people keep commenting on how shiny it is because it’s new. Then I realized – man,custom bobblehead, I don’t ever want that shine to go away. But I don’t want to get it professionally cleaned every month either. Being the neurotic crazy woman that I am, I researched every method of home cleaning your diamonds.

Without further ado…,customized bobbleheads;.

1. Soak your diamond ring in a warm solution of mild liquid detergent and water. Ivory dishwashing liquid is a good choice, but any other mild detergent is fine.

2. Use a soft brush if necessary to remove dirt. Soft is the word –,customize bobblehead; dont use a brush with bristles that are stiff enough to scratch the ring’,personalized bobblehead;s metal setting,personalized bobblehead,Rechargeable Battery.

3. Swish the ring around in the solution,custom bobbleheads, then rinse it thoroughly in warm water. Close the drain or put the ring in a strainer to keep from losing it!

4. Dry the ring with a lint-free cloth.

Other things you can do to keep your diamond rings from daily wear and tear. I’ve highlighted #2,customized bobbleheads, because I didnt know this one. The others are fairly standard.

1. Dont wear it when you’re doing rough work. Even though a diamond is durable, it can be chipped by a hard blow.

2. Dont let your diamond come in contact with a chlorine bleach when you’,.;re doing household chores,personalized bobbleheads. It can damage and discolor the mounting.

3. Go to your local jeweler at least once a year and have them check your ring and other preciouis pieces for loose claw and wear of mountings.

4. When you’re not wearing diamonds, keep them in a fabric-lined jewel case, or a box with compartments or dividers.

5. Dont jumble your diamond pieces in a drawer or jewelry case, because diamonds can scratch other jewelry – and can even scratch each other.

6. Diamonds get smudged and soiled and dusty. Lotions, powders,personalized bobble heads, soaps, even the natural skin oils, put a film on diamonds and cut down their brilliance.

Or,Essential Billiard Supplies Everybody Should Stock In Their Gameroom, if you’re a freak like me,personalized bobbleheads, you might want to get an ultrasonic cleaner for your jewels. This is a good website I found – you can get a decent cleaner for $50 bucks!!

Tags: new-york BLOGGER Mrs. Butterfly Location: New York Occupation: Healthcare Administrator Wedding Date: November 2006 Venue: Twenty-Four Fifth --> PREVIOUS POSTPopular / Unique Ceremony Music NEXT POSTMailing save the date magnets Related Posts Classifieds: February 16, 201502/16/15 @ 1:42 pm Classifieds: October 3, 201410/03/14 @ 2:10 pm Classifieds: October 8, 201410/08/14 @ 2:34 pm Gallery of the Day: February 23,customize bobblehead, 201502/23/15 @ 8:02 am

